MAY DAY! The Thrill is Gone (from Speakeasy Theaters)
The Parkway is where Thrillville was born in April 1997, where I met my wife in May 1997, where I hosted many, many memorable shows and programmed thousands of hours of innovative and unique programming. It was a pleasure, though often spoiled by behind-the-scenes tension and drama. I am sorry that Thrillville has lost its regular long-time home, but am frankly relieved to be free of all that conflict. I don't want to detail it because it really isn't any of the public's business.
What all of my loyal supporters need to know is while the mutually fruitful relationship between Thrillville and Speakeasy is definitely over, I am still Will the Thrill. Right now I work for B Movie Nation, Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge and the Conga Lounge (headquarters of the Oakland Mai Tai Campaign, stay tuned....), so the foundation of Thrillville - B Movies and Tiki Culture - is alive and well. I have many options to explore, especially now that I emancipated from my previous employers. Staples like SHATFEST will return, somewhere, some how, sometime soon. Stay tuned to this blog, sign up for the Thrillville newsletter (which promotes All Things B Movie & Tiki, not just my show) and don't lose hope. As my man Frank sang: "The Best is Yet to Come." Cheers!