My Latest Meta-Gonzo Novel: "Vic Valentine: Lounge Lizard For Hire"

Well, I did it again. Wrote a book, that is. It's something I've been doing compulsively for nearly forty years now on a semi-regular basis. Though I've long since given up on commercial success, I find that the mere act of writing fiction is so spiritually and creatively rewarding I no longer care. I have no ambition or agenda as an author. Unless I'm asked to contribute to a short story anthology - which, flatteringly enough, happens now and then - I'm content issuing my work under my own imprint, Thrillville Press, putting out into the world, and then resuming my regular life as a proud husband, cat daddy, and dog walker. 


Print Edition

Kindle Edition

Will the Thrill: Dog Walker For Hire
Groot and me
Pearl and me
Roxi, Hypatia, Gracie (I watch rabbits and cats, too)

It's hard to describe this novel, but then that's my specialty. I've completely eschewed any attempt to conform to any particular, easily identifiable, marketable genre, instead essentially creating my own, obscure niche, which I dub "Vihorror": a surrealistic mix of noir, horror, and erotica, with dashes of my own personal experiences, blended into one strong, sick, stylized literary cocktail.

I'm very proud of it. I talk more about this jazz with Marietta Miles in this recent interview, if interested.

Essentially, I've placed Vic Valentine, protagonist of my more conventional books like Love Stories Are Too Violent For Me and Hard-boiled Heart, into the moody, mysterious realms of my favorite of my own books, A Mermaid Drowns in the Midnight Lounge. I would categorize it as "Phantasmagoric Noir." It's basically a fever dream inside Vic's head. Nothing is what it seems, or maybe it is, but since Vic is your guide, you'll be as lost as he is.

The only "mystery" is the one concerning the biggest puzzle of all, Life itself. I'm not sure who my target audience is with this jazz, other than myself. Basically, I just write what I feel like writing, and if someone else digs it, that's cool, if not, that's cool, too.

The title comes from my old "Will the Thrill" business card. My old friend Johnny Johnston Trujillo suggested it.

Here is the back cover blurb for Lounge Lizard For Hire, which picks up a little while after the last one, Vic Valentine: International Man of Misery, ended:

MY VOODOO VALENTINE? Vic Valentine has finally retired from the private eye racket. And since his beautiful new bi-sexual, black-belt burlesque-dancer bride, Ava Margarita Valentina Valdez Valentine, who may also be a witch or a vampire or both, has a mysterious and possibly nefarious source of seemingly endless wealth, he no longer walks dogs for income, either. Vic is finally living the life of his wildest dreams! Until the Universe sucker-punches him yet again, and it suddenly melts into a noir nightmare…

First a Yakuza hitman from Mrs. Valentine’s past shows up in Seattle with a score to settle. She conures demons from another dimension to not only protect them, but spice up their sex life, too (or hers, anyway). The ghost of Vic’s dead friend Doc Schlock still haunts him, literally. His old pal Ivar the sailor statue starts talking, and walking. And then there’s that doppelgänger of a young Vic suddenly popping up here and there around town, setting Vic up for a showdown with his younger self.

But no matter what happens next, the show must go on.

I should add Will the Thrill, Monica Tiki Goddess, Chumpy Walnut, and Christian Slater all have cameos. Yeah. It's like that.

Here is the progression of the spectacular front and back artwork. My frequent collaborator Matt Brown (who illustrated the storyboards for Christian Slater's long-suffering, ill-fated movie adaptation of Love Stories Are Too Violent For Me) created the front cover art, and my man Dyer Wilk designed the spine and back. I provided images for inspiration, and they took it from there...

Monica and me, 2005

Here are some promo memes I've been posting on social media:

Mai Tai Time in The Thrillpad, cheers

Celebrating the publication with Dmitri Methany at Tula's Jazz Club in Seattle, 
both of which have cameos in the book!

The official launch party:


Toasting Elvis on the 41st anniversary of his "disappearance," 8/16/18

Zodiac Supper Club, Tacoma

The Fern Room, Tacoma, WA


Besides walking dogs and writing, I've been having fun making Gifs!

Will the Thrill and Monica Tiki Goddess, Talkin Pictures with Jan Wahl, 1998:

My Pop, Robert Viharo, in Bare Knuckles (1977)

My father Robert Viharo in Hide In Plain Sight (1981), with James Caan, who also directed. Here you can see when Jimmy suddenly squeezes the old man's nuts below frame. Watch for the wince...

Pop in Return to Macon County (1975; he's the crazy cop)

Monica and me in the infamous "foot fetish" segment of HBO's Real Sex (2001)

Monica and me in the 2002 French doc, Viva Las Vegas?

Monica and me in the Thrillville Pulp Fiction collection book trailer shot at Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge in Alameda, CA, 2011:

Original book trailer for The Thrillville Pulp Fiction Collection, shot and edited by Christopher Sorrenti (2011)

In other news, I was kicked off Facebook for a week after I posted a link to an Etsy page selling this centerfold of my father's ex-wife, Jeane Manson. So I bought it out of spite. 

Facebook is still afraid of nipples.

Exiled to Mars!

Autumn cocktails at the University of Washington Club:


You may also dig:

featuring my regular movie column, this issue: Mummies!

"Thrillville," my official theme song by The Moon-Rays
"Director's cut" of Jeff M. Giordanos' documentary THE THRILL IS GONE(2014)

Interview conducted by Drive-In Radio host Alec Cizak, October 24, 2017,
broadcast from Missoula, Montana.

Podcast interview by Steven Gomez for The Noir Factory, August 2017

Promoting the first edition of A Mermaid Drowns in the Midnight Lounge on San Francisco's Creepy KOFY Movietime, 2010

Book trailer for Freaks That Carry Your Luggage Up to the Room,
animated by Vincent Cortez (2011)

Reading from Love Stories Are Too Violent For Me (2014)

Live reading of my short story "Escape from Thrillville" (2014, included in The Thrillville Pulp Fiction Collection, Volume 3)

Book trailer for It Came from Hangar 18 (2012)

Interview with Scott Fulks and me for Tiki Oasis TV, August 2015






HARD-BOILED HEART from Gutter Books


Fate Is My Pimp, Romance Takes a Rain Check, I Lost My Heart in Hollywood, Diary of a Dick

My erotic horror noir novella THINGS I DO WHEN I'M AWAKE 

from Thrillville Press

VOLUME ONE: A Mermaid Drowns in the Midnight Lounge and
Freaks That Carry Your Luggage Up to the Room
VOLUME TWO: Lavender Blonde and Down a Dark Alley

VOLUME THREE: Chumpy Walnut and Other Stories


DEADLINES: A TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM E. WALLACE, an anthology dedicated to the late, great writer and stellar human being William E. Wallace, featuring many contemporary crime fiction stars plus a brand new Vic Valentine story, "Beat This," by yours truly. Proceeds go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund in Bill's name. More info and purchase links here.

My short story FISH OUT OF WATER 
(an idea for a fourth Creature from the Black Lagoon movie)
is included in this anthology

My story HOT NIGHT AT HINKY DINKS is included in this cocktail-themed flash fiction anthology 

New anthology of Christmas horror stories from Coffin Hop Press,
including my story THAT'S A WRAP, now on sale!

My story MEANTIME is included in this bitchin' anthology, 
for which I also wrote the foreword:

My short story 
BEHIND THE BAR is included in this anthology

Will Viharo

WILL "THE THRILL" VIHARO is a freelance writer and the author of several "gonzo pulp" novels including "A Mermaid Drowns in the Midnight Lounge," "Freaks That Carry Your Luggage up to the Room," "Chumpy Walnut," "Lavender Blonde," "Down a Dark Alley," and the “Vic Valentine, Private Eye” series, the first of which, "Love Stories Are Too Violent For Me," has been optioned for a film by Christian Slater, reissued in 2013 by Gutter Books, which also published the new Vic Valentine novel "Hard-boiled Heart" in December, 2015.

Two science fiction novels, "It Came from Hangar 18" and "The Space Needler's Intergalactic Bar Guide," were written in collaboration with Scott Fulks, who added real science to Will's pulp.

Will's own imprint, Thrillville Press, has issued a three volume anthology series featuring all of his standalone novels called "The Thrillville Pulp Fiction Collection," along with another omnibus called "The Vic Valentine Classic Case Files," which include four novels from the 1990s, "Fate Is My Pimp," "Romance Takes a Rain Check," "I Lost My Heart in Hollywood," and "Diary of a Dick," plus a recent short story, "Brain Mistrust."

More recently published books include the Vic Valentine "Mental Case Files" trilogy comprised of "Vic Valentine: International Man of Misery," "Vic Valentine: Lounge Lizard For Hire," and "Vic Valentine: Space Cadet"; the original story collection "Vic Valentine, Private Eye: 14 Vignettes"; the erotic horror noir novella "Things I Do When I'm Awake"; and a collection of erotic horror noir stories, "VIHORROR! Cocktales of Sex and Death."

Additionally Will has had stories included in a variety of anthologies including "Fast Women and Neon Lights: Eighties-Inspired Neon Noir"; "Mixed Up!"; "Long Distance Drunks: A Tribute to Charles Bukowski"; "Deadlines: A Tribute to William Wallace"; "Dark Yonder: Tales and Tabs"; "Knucklehead Noir" and "Weird Winter Wonderland" (both Coffin Hop Press); and "Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror."

Viharo's unique brand of "gonzo pulp fiction" combines elements of eroticism, noir, fantasy, and horror. For many years he has also been a professional film programmer/impresario and live music booker. He now lives in Seattle, WA with his wife and cats

My "Fade To Black" Story


Cruising at 55: Time to Thrill