George Romero survives; "Mr. Ed of the Dead"
George was typically gregarious and laid back during the Q&A, with one little kid asking him, "When the zombies have eaten all the people, will they eat each other?" George admitted that was a good question, but said he doubted it. He often deferred the geekier questions to Max Brooks, explaining "he takes this stuff a lot more seriously than I do." He went to say that there were "millions of unanswered questions" in his zombie universe, like "do they take a shit? That's one I've been pondering lately." He also explained that, by this point, the zombies are basically the undead equivalent of Wile E. Coyote, "just there to be damaged; you put a grenade in one's mouth and just wait for it explode." This attitude explains a lot about the direction he's decided to take with the series. After an audience member brought it up, George revealed a little about the progress of the zombie novel he's been commissioned to write, but after 150 pages, admitted he feels somewhat challenged coming up with original material that hasn't already been done to death, as it were. He also said he hates working on a deadline, and I thought, that would make a perfect title for a Romero zombie novel: DEADLINE. After the Q&A, I ignored the calls to remain seated by theater staff, broke ranks like a rogue zombie, and walked up to George for a handshake, introducing myself and thanking him. for everything He was very gracious. I wanted to try to get a photo with him, but they hustled him out of there like he was Mick Jagger being mobbed by groupies, so I didn't get a chance. But it was an honor just to meet him, however briefly. He's a great man.
But I really should've given him my idea for the next installment: MISTER ED OF THE DEAD, since George has already (inadvertently?) set up the premise.
We mentally concocted a short film, editing scenes from the television series with various DEAD films, ending with the inexplicable equestrian carnage at the finale of SURVIVAL. Imagine Mr. Ed in his barn, watching television, then cutting to the broadcasts of the original outbreak from NIGHT, then Wilbur coming in and Ed saying, "The shit's really hittin' the fan out there, Willllburrr..." Then cut to a shot of a zombie biting a horse: "They eat horses, don't they, Willburrr?"
The possibilities are endless. George, you heard it here first. Go for it. Just keep makin' those DEAD films, man. Of course, of course.